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Fire safety, forest preservation, environmental protection
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The proof of the pudding.....
For the last decade or so various agencies have used the risk of wildfire as their rationale for removing 3 species of trees in the east...
UC Berkeley threat
We recently found out that UC Berkeley has obtained a ~$3.5 million vegetation management grant from CALfire. UC has apparently hired a...

In an era of bigger wildfires, are trees the enemy?
Yesterday and today we give thanks: Northern California is getting its first significant rainfall in months, ending the Golden State’s...
HCN comments on the Oakland Vegetation Management Plan
HCN has just released our comments on the Oakland Vegetation Management plan. You can check this document out here
Judge denies CCC intervention in UC vs. FEMA case
On January 23, 2018 HCN was advised that Federal Magistrate Laurel Beeler sided with HCN in denying the Claremont Canyon Conservancy’s...
East Bay Regional Park District board meeting on extending Measure CC
The EBRPD Board will meet this Tuesday the 16th to (among other things) review their plan to put in place a new ballot measure that would...
Big News on the UC versus FEMA lawsuit
Wanted to update you on the latest developments in the UC versus FEMA lawsuit, where UC is attempting to undo the settlement agreement...
Oakland Vegetation Plan Meeting on Tuesday the 9th at 6:00 PM
Here's the official announcement. Please attend if you can. The Oakland City Council Public Safety Committee is meeting next Tuesday,...
UC versus FEMA lawsuit update
Since the last update there have been several significant developments in this case. First, the Claremont Canyon Conservancy has finally...
HCN and EBRPD intervene in UC vs FEMA lawsuit
As you may know, UC Berkeley filed suit against FEMA asserting that FEMA unjustly denied them grant funding for their plans to remove...
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