Fire safety, forest preservation, environmental protection
WILDFIRE lessons 1991 Oakland-Berkeley Hills Fire

Driven by unrelenting winds, in just three days — Sunday, Monday, Tuesday; October 20, 21 and 22 of 1991 — the fire became the most destructive “Wildland-Urban Interface” (W.U.I.) fire in California's history up until then, with an estimated $1.5 billion in damage in 1991 dollars; over $3.5 billion in today's dollars.
The devastating "Hills Fire," aka, the "Oakland hills firestorm", and "The Tunnel Fire" by CalFire, spurred the creation of the Hills Conservation Network by a group of residents — among them several whose homes were destroyed in the fire, and one whose aged mother was trapped by and killed in the fire. They were impassioned and determined to cut through the usual politics and bureaucracy, get an accurate, honest and transparent analysis, and publicize the truth of the fire’s origin and causes. Only then could the necessary changes be made to prevent another future disastrous fire for future generations.
SEVERAL OFFICIAL REPORTS on the 1991 Hills Fire were commissioned and released in 1992, including the Berkeley & Oakland Mayor’s Task Force, one by FEMA (The Federal Emergency Management Agency of the federal government), and a one by the former Chief of Fire Prevention of the Oakland Army Base, David Maloney. Two more reports are also referenced later on this site: one by the U.S. Forest Service in September, 2018, and another by Fire Science Lab researcher Jack Cohen.
In the aftermath of the Hills Fire, the HCN's founding members lobbied long and hard for these critical improvements for neighborhood fire safety, including: Today, fire hydrants are universally accessible. Water pumps have been undergrounded, making them resilient to wildfires. Many houses which had made few if any recommended preparations to deter home ignition, like removing flammable, dry vegetation from roofs, gutters and near houses, have now done so. "Defensible space" is now routinely advised by our fire agencies and our municipalities.
READ NBC NEWS detailed REPORT of the fire:
However, in the years and decades since 1991, some “native” plant extremists have distorted the truth or simply lied about the Hills Fire to blame and target specific species of trees they have for years wanted to cut down, for purely aesthetic reasons, by the tens of thousands. They realized they could advance this agenda by exploiting fears of another wildfire.
Not content to simply plant trees and plants they prefer, some native plant extremists advise cutting down thousands of healthy trees, claiming they pose a unique fire danger, despite no scientific literature supporting this claim. Trees and even entire forests covering acres are treated like weeds in a garden. The term "weed" is itself a term without botanical definition. It means simply a plant one does not want in the garden. But in Oakland and Berkeley forests, this “weeding” of trees is done on a colossal scale with chainsaws and bulldozers clearing hillsides of healthy forests over 100 years old. As a result, hillsides are destabilized, ecosystems are destroyed, windbreaks and fog-capturing stands of tree that mitigate wind-driven fires are destroyed, along with precious wildlife habit.
This miguided ecological damage is then compounded: toxic herbicides are regularly applied to unwanted plants and stumps of cut trees to prevent their regrowth. In the three decades since the Hills Fire, extensive deforestation has been done in the name of “fire danger mitigation” and "habitat restoration." Deforestation is neither. Cutting down forests is the opposite, both INCREASING wildfire danger and destroying wild habitats. Forests in the East Bay Hills , like forests everywhere, dramatically increase the moisture of area in myriad ways. READ "Trees & forests VS. chaparral & grasslands.
More recently, HCN has been succesful in educating the public and discouraging agencies, institutions and municipalities from various policies of targeting trees by species under the guise of fire danger mitigation. Monterey pine, acacia and eucalyptus trees have been erroneously blamed for the size or ferocity of the 1991 Hills fire, despite these trees having no more significant role in the fire than other trees species. (As detailed in the reports referenced above.) A far greater contributor to the blaze was the quick ignition of houses themselves, which were more flammable with their dry lumber, paints and solvents, gas lines, etc), and burn hotter than trees.
Healthy trees of any species are not fire hazards, but instead provide ecological services that also reduce wildfire risk by reducing the overall temperature of a landscape and dramatically increasing its moisture content, fog generation and annual fog drip rainfall. READ MORE ABOUT FIRE DANGER of forests compared to shrubs, grasslands, chaparral.
Perhaps most important, trees of all species are invaluable for their ability to sequester carbon in our current era of anthropogenic climate change. And as always, tree provide numerous other essential ecological services, including stabilizing steep East Bay (and Bay Area) hillsides, and creating land-cooling shade, especially in our hot, dry summer and autumn, and providing far more wildlife habitat than so-called “native” chaparral. In fact, chapparal like coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis), is more flammable than trees. Both are in fact pyrophytic, meaning they have evolved to not only survive fire, but benefit from it. Fire itself, as more fire ecologists and biologists have been writing and speaking about in recent years, provides the essential ecological function of renewing forests. Our challenge is to apply simple methods to make our homes and structures in and near forests igntion-resistant, not cut forests down. READ MORE.
If you’ve ever heard eucalyptus trees described as “flammable,” “hazardous,” or “dangerous,” this, too, is a claim without scientific basis. It's a chilling example of how a lie repeated often enough, by people with an entirely different agenda than wildfire mitigation, can become perceived as truth by an unsuspecting public and an underformed media.
In fact, California bay laurel trees contain more “volatile” (aka “essential”) oils than do eucalyptus trees. Bay trees also grow closer to the ground so they can be more easily be ignited than taller, stout-trunked eucalyptus trees by grass and chaparral fires common in the hills. So bay trees could be labeled more “flammable” than eucalyptus or some other tree species, but this misses the larger point that all living trees are more resistant to ignition in a wildfire than grasses and smaller plants without thick, fire-resistant trunks.
Pine and eucalyptus trees, like redwoods, bays and oaks all burned in the Hills firestorm, and therefore all generated firebrands. So did the ignited houses and other structures — and these dried building materials burned even faster and hotter than any living (green, moist) vegetation. This is why the man-made structures next door to your house, especially if within the 100 feet of your Defensible Space, are likely a greater fire risk to your house than any plants or trees. This is why HCN endorses a combination of individual and community wildfire preparedness, HERE.
Human judgment, including by homeowners, and poor fire preparedness planning by our officials, were more responsible for the fire’s catastrophic result than trees were. All this is detailed in the official reports on the 1991 Hills fire referenced above, and available for interested readers, here:
READ THESE CRITICAL REPORTS about the 1991 Hills Fire, and wildfire and vegetation in general:
• 1991 FEMA (Federal Emergency Mangement Agency) Report: CLICK HERE
• 1992 Oakland-Berkeley Mayor’s Report: CLICK HERE
• 2009 Maloney Report CLICK HERE
• Fire Science Lab report, "The Wildland Interface Fire Problem," by Jack Cohen: CLICK HERE
• How the fire began: on Saturday, October 19, 1991, as a grass and brush fire in the Berkeley hills northeast of CA routes 24 and 13. It was extinguished by firefighters who then left the area by nightfall. The next morning, Sunday, October 20, 1991, (“Diablo”) winds from the east kicked up embers below the crust of charred and dampened grasses during the firefighter’s mopping up operations—and these embers re-ignited the fire. Fanned by the steady winds, the flames quickly spread, to more seasonally dry, autumn grasses, brush, and trees and houses;
• Trees per se, including eucalyptus and pine trees species, were NOT of particular significance in fueling the blaze;
• Houses burns hotter than trees, no matter what species of tree, and create greater volumes of embers ("firebrands," in fire science terminology) and burning airborne debris. The showers of firebrands ignited other houses with combustible (e.g., shake) roofs and gutters filled with pine needles and other fine fuels. Linnea Edmeier, a retired firefighter for CALFIRE, the wildland firefighting agency, produced a documentary, “Burn,” about the 1991 fire while pursuing her master’s degree in journalism at UC Berkeley. She said, “Homes are fuel. When the homes are so close together and they are covered in brush, they are going to burn.”
• The fire became a firestorm, meaning it generated its own heat-driven winds and weather that perpetuate the fire;
• Many factors contributed to the fire's severity and the inability to contain it, including: 1) the East Bay hills’ steep, narrow roads with many cars blocking fire truck access; 2) a shortage of water, and hydrants lacking universal hookups (meaning not every district’s trucks could access all hydrants); 3) some above-ground water-pumping facilities were destroyed in the fire; 4) too many houses with highly flammable materials; 5) accumulation of "fine fuels" debris on many houses' roofs.
• Despite huge and courageous efforts by hundreds of firefighters, inadequate planning and infrastructure for a fire of this ferocity contributed to the catastrophic result.

25 PEOPLE KILLED. 125 PEOPLE INJURED. 3,500+ HOUSES, 450+ APTS. DESTROYED. Eyewitnesses of the 1991 Hills Fire, or just its aftermath, were forever
affected. So was the community psyche. But action was spurred to protect a recurrence.